Resolving Conflicts, Building Peace

Experience in Mediation: Expertise in Conflict Resolution with Michael Peart.

Extensive Legal Expertise

Effective Communication and Facilitation

Independence, Impartiality and Confidentiality

Empathy and Understanding

Ready to Explore an Agreed Solution?

Michael’s experience as a mediator has helped many people and organisations to find an amicable solution in many different types of disputes throughout Ireland

Mediation Services

Commercial Disputes

Navigating commercial disputes in Ireland can be costly and stressful for businesses, taking years to resolve. Mediation, on the other hand, offers a private, more affordable, and less stressful opportunity where imaginative solutions can emerge which could never be provided by any court hearing the case.

Wills and Inheritance Disputes

The passing of a loved one may cause complex probate disputes, risking family relationships. Mediation, rather than litigation, can help avoid further upset. Michael’s experience allows him to assist with empathy and understanding.

Land and Property Disputes

Land and Property disputes can cause emotional and financial stress. With Michael’s background as a mediator, solicitor, and judge, he can help parties reach a fair resolution through mediation and managing conflicts related to land, boundaries, and family property assets.

Legal Costs Disputes

Litigation costs, particularly in significant commercial cases, can be very high. Even after case resolution, costs adjudication can be prolonged, adding even more expense. Mediation offers a faster, cheaper solution for addressing these disputes, and Michael’s expertise can help parties reach a fair agreement.

Employment Law Disputes

Workplace conflicts can damage businesses and employees. Mediation offers a quick, confidential way to resolve issues like communication breakdowns, discrimination, or unfair dismissal. Michael can help clients reach an amicable conclusion with minimal business disruption.

Medical & Professional Negligence Claims

Negligence claims against professionals are rising. These claims are challenging for both the plaintiff and the defendant. Although the defendant may be insured against any liability, nevertheless defending in court can risk their reputation and attract negative publicity.

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Resolving Conflicts, Building Peace